2017 Best Nine (Blogmas Day 17)

instagram 2017 best nine

I think everyone takes a minute or two around the holidays to reflect on the past year & look towards the new one. And idk about you, but one of the ways I like to remember stuff is to look at pictures. I thought I’d share my 2017 best nine & look back at some of my top moments! I love that the reindeer onesie made it on, there’s my hamster kyrie 🐹 & our couple costume this year was Bugs Bunny & Lola from Space Jam. My parents’ cat Murphy even made it on there. The one in the middle my friend Mia took, I was looking out this window when we all went to the Museum of Science. Such a good day!

Are you following me on Insta @dontgiveajam?

FUN FACT: this is actually my personal account & I just promote my blog on there. IDK if that’s how it’s done, but that’s how I like to do it. More, well, personal, ya know?

Leave your username in the comments so we can follow each other & be internet friends!



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