Christmas Tree for Condo/Apartment – Blogmas Day 5

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After adding some furniture to our condo, my boyfriend and I slowly realized we would have to get a smaller Christmas tree this year. Last year we had a real tree, but this year we were going to need something much smaller. Due to a general lack of space, fitting a Christmas tree in an apartment or condo can be a bit tricky!

We thought about getting a short tree, a skinny tree, a poinsettia instead of a tree, real vs. fake. Eventually we decided we needed a really thin tree, a pencil tree! Now it was just about finding one we liked, which my mum accomplished.

It’s a fake pencil tree, pre-lit, with cashmere branch tips from Michaels and I’m kinda really obsessed with it. I’ve never had a fake tree before and knew I would miss the smell, so I got some candles to make it smell Christmassy still! It actually looks quite real for a fake Christmas tree. I love the cashmere tips and it’s fairly full for such a small tree. Also, it fits perfectly in our small space. If this tree isn’t your thing, I would suggest any pencil tree for all the height without taking up so much space.

10/10 would recommend this adorably thin tree to anyone looking to solve their Christmas-tree-in-a-small-space dilemma!



4 thoughts on “Christmas Tree for Condo/Apartment – Blogmas Day 5

  1. Omg this is the cutest, fake thinnest, pre-lit, cashmere tipped tree I’ve ever seen!!!!!


whaddya think?