if we were having coffee

I’ve been liking these chatty catch-up posts & it seems like you guys have been too! It’s been about a month, so here we are again for our virtual coffee chat. Except, to be quite honest, I wrote this last night so I was having a beer. A kona big wave (recommendation credit: Jackie). I think it’s neat to slow down and connect every now & then, so grab a coffee, a beer, a capri-sun, whatever, HERE WE GO.

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I’ve been trying to be more positive lately. It’s not been easy, especially since I’m known to lean pessimist. Trying to take a calmer approach to things & what-not, but definitely a work in progress.

If we were having coffee… I’d ask you if you believe in ghosts. Honestly I think it’s a really interesting thing to know about a person. Some people have seen them, some people have experienced things, some people simply believe & some people don’t think ghosts are real at all. So, yeah. Ghost stuff.

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I made a Facebook page for my blog & ask for your advice. Do you know of any cool FB blog groups I should join? I want to connect with more of my fellow blog-people so we can be internet friends & spread the love.

And if we were having coffee… I would definitely want to know all about how you’ve been! In da comments, tell me something pretty, something positive about your life recently.



JAM ☕️

52 thoughts on “IF WE WERE HAVING COFFEE (3)

  1. I love this series so much I think it’s great!! Congrats on launching a Facebook page! I’m still figuring out mine to! I use it mostly for blog Facebook pages / groups! Have you found any yet? xx

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I found a good few through pinterest and I mention some in my newbie post on fb pages as well as my snoop snoop series! You should check em out! I would say though for every 3 I join only 1 ever works out good for me! Some can be annoying and all they are are people posting there blogs randomly which gets pretty old pretty quick!! xx

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whaddya think?